Sounds roughly like: sigh-sneg?
IPA: /ˈsɛisnɛg/ or /ˈsaːisnɛg/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
1. the English language
without y
Doedd Cai ddim yn deall gair o Saesneg.
Cai didn't understand a word of English.
Saesneg yw iaith gwyddoniaeth.
English is the language of science.
with y
Dw i'n cyfieithu geirfa newydd i'r Saesneg.
I translate new vocabulary to English
Dyma'r term sy'n cael ei defnyddio yn y Saesneg.
This is the term that's used in English.
2. English as a part of the curriculum in formal education
a. an educational subject, usually involving study of the English language, English literature, or both
Cymraeg oedd iaith pob pwnc ond am Saesneg.
Welsh was the language for every subject apart from English.
Roedd Mr. Evans yn dysgu Saesneg yn yr ysgol.
Mr. Evans taught English in the school.
modifying another noun
Dyma llun o athro Saesneg yr ysgol.
Here is a picture of the school's English teacher.
Mae hi'n gweithio yn Adran Saesneg Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
She works in the English department of Aberystwyth University.
a. originating from EnglandEnglish by national identity, residence, or citizenship
Dwi'n teimlo'n Saesneg.
I feel English.
Ma rhai pobl Saesneg yn licio'r Gymraeg.
Some English people like Welsh.
b. characteristic of England, its people, or its cultureAnglicized
Roedd yr ardal yn troi'n Saesneg.
The area was becoming Anglicized.
Dw i ddim yn trio siarad gydag acen Saesneg.
I don't try to speak with an English accent.
c. using the English languageEnglish-medium
Pam ydyn ni'n troi at lyfrau Saesneg o hyd?
Why do we always turn to English-language books?
Dyddiau cynnar y we Saesneg.
The early days of the English-language web.
More about Saesneg (click a category to expand...)
borrowing of Latin Saxonicus(Saxon)
Gàidhlig SasannachEnglishEnglishman
ManxSostynagh English English person
English (language)
(pl. Saesnesau)
(pl. Saeson)
English person; Englishman
English in manner or attributes; Anglicized
Topics and themes?
Cymraeg (Welsh)
dwyieithog (bilingual)
iaith (language)
siarad (talk)
nationality and culture
byw (live)
cartref (home)
Cymreig (Welsh)
gwlad (country)
Cymru (Wales)
Gogledd Iwerddon (Northern Ireland)
gwlad (country)
Lloegr (England)
yr Alban (Scotland)
Language and culture

As with the pair Cymraeg and Cymreig, sometimes Saesneg is paired with Seisnig to express a distinction between things that are Anglicized or culturally English, and things that relate to the English language.

Mae'r ardal yn un Seisnig, a Saesneg yw iaith y bobl yno.

The area is an Anglicized one, and English is the language of the people there.

cyfrwng Saesneg
English-medium;using English as the dominant language
Ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg.
English-medium schools.
Saesneg ei iaith (masc.) ; Saesneg ei hiaith (fem.)
(pl. Saesneg eu hiaith)
Mae hi'n ardal Saesneg ei hiaith.
It's an English-speaking area.
uniaith Saesneg
monolingual English;English-language only
Ffurflen uniaith Saesneg oedd hi.
It was a monolingual English form.
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