Sounds roughly like: cat-rev?
IPA: /ˈkartrɛv/ ?
(also [colloquial]/ˈkatrɛ/)
 See also gartref
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
noun masc. (pl.cartrefi)
1. home
a. a place of residence (in particular, a place where a person or animal can live safely and securely)
Daeth Myrddin o 'i gartref yn y coed.
Myrddin came from his home in the woods.
Roedd angen cartre ar y gath fach.
The kitten needed a home.
b. a residential property
Rydw i'n prynu fy nghartre cyntaf.
I'm buying my first home.
c. a residential facility offering some level of care for those who live there
Mae tad-cu wedi dewis symud i gartref.
Grandad has decided to move to a home.
Dw i wedi byw yn y cartre ers marwolaeth fy ngwraig.
I've lived in the home since the death of my wife.
2. the home in domestic, interpersonal, and emotional terms
a. a place where someone feels comfortable or securea place where someone is welcome (in particular, a place in which someone is treated as a member of a family)
Teulu sy'n gwneud cartref, nid brics.
It's family that makes a home, not bricks.
b. a householda group of individuals who live together, forming a social, legal, and/or financial unit
Beth yw incwm eich cartref?
What is the income of your household?
Plant sy'n dod o gartrefi dwyieithog.
Children who come from bilingual homes.
c. the physical space inhabited by a householda domestic environment
Mae plant yn gallu helpu allan yn y cartref.
Children can help out in the home.
Cewch chi siopa am anrhegion ac addurniadau i'r cartref.
You can shop for gifts and home décor.
3. the location where someone or something can be found
a. the geographic area where someone residesthe place where someone has made their home
Llandysul yw cartre Sioned.
Llandysul is Sioned's home.
Rydych chi wedi gwneud eich cartref yma yng Nghaerdydd.
You have made your home here in Cardiff.
b. a place where a physical object can be founda place to keep or put something
Rhaid i fi ffeindio cartre i'r llun yma.
I must find a home for this picture.
Y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol yw cartref yr hen lyfrau yma.
The National Library is the home of these old books.
c. the central location for a service, business, or organizationa headquarters
Tafarn oedd cartre clwb rygbi Nant Conwy.
A pub was the home of Nant Conwy rugby club.
Dyma gartref Senedd yr Almaen.
This is the home of the German Parliament.
d. a physical or virtual location where an event can be attended or viewed
Mae'r neuadd yn rhoi cartref i gyfarfodydd yr undeb.
The hall gives a home to the union meetings.
Cymru oedd cartref Cwpan Rygbi'r Byd ym 1999.
Wales was home to the Rygby World Cup in 1999.
S4C ydy cartre pêl-droed Cymraeg ar y teledu.
S4C is the home of Welsh football on the television.
an online location where information can be obtainedthe website of a particular person, organization, company, etc.
Dyma gartref arlein newydd i'n cwmni.
This is a new home online for our company.
4. a place of origin
a. the place where someone previously lived, especially as a childthe place where someone's ancestors live or lived
Ar ôl byw yn Ffrainc am flynyddoedd, roedd hi'n dechrau gweld eisiau ei chartref yn Nulyn.
After living in France for years, she was starting to miss her home in Dublin.
Dyma gartref teuluol Clough Williams-Ellis.
This is the ancestral home of Clough Williams-Ellis.
b. the place where something was discovered or inventedthe place where an organization or group was formed
Edison, New Jersey yw cartre'r bwlb golau.
Edison, New Jersey is the home of the lightbulb.
Lerpwl yw cartre'r Beatles.
Liverpool is the home of the Beatles.
5. modifying another noun
a. for the homeintended for domestic contexts
Rydyn ni'n gwerthu nwyddau cartref.
We sell products for the home.
b. at homerelating to a person's home rather than their place of employment
Dyma cyfeiriad cartref Mrs. Llywelyn.
Here is Mrs. Llywelyn's home address.
Rhowch rhif eich ffôn symudol neu'ch ffôn cartref.
Give the number for your mobile phone or your home phone.
modifying another noun
homemade (also homecooked, homespun, etc.)
Mae e'n gwisgo siaced brethyn cartre.
He's wearing a jacket of homespun cloth.
Cinio mawr o oen cartra gyda thatws a llysiau.
A big lunch of homecooked lamb with potatoes and vegetables.
2. domestic
a. as opposed to industrial or commercial
Mae'r Cyngor yn casglu gwastraff cartref.
The Council collects household waste.
b. as opposed to foreign
Mae'r economi gartref yn wan ar hyn o bryd.
The domestic economy is weak at the moment.
Polisi cartref a thramor.
Domestic and foreign policy.
in team sports
belonging to the location in which a sporting fixture is held
Y gem gyntaf fydd y tîm cartre, Rwsia, yn erbyn Sawdi Arabia.
The first hame will be the home team, Russia, against Saudia Arabia.
Rydyn ni'n newid lliw cit cartref y tîm.
We are changing the colour of the team's home kit.
More about cartref (click a category to expand...)
câr(kin, blood relative) + tref(township, dwelling)
homely; at home (in the sense "comfortable")
also di-gartref
y digartref[noun]
the homeless; homeless people
in sense 1
in sense 2b
teulu (family)
in sense 3b
lle (place)
man (place)
in sense 3c
canolfan (centre)
in sense 4a
gwlad (country)
gartref(pl. gartrefi)?
Roeddwn i yn dy gartref di.
I was in your home.
chartref(pl. chartrefi)?
Does gen i ddim teulu na chartref .
I have no family nor home.
nghartref(pl. nghartrefi)?
Mae arna i ofn yn fy nghartref fy hun.
I am afraid in my own home.
ail gartref
(pl. ail gartrefi)
second home;a residential property whose owners only live there occasionally;a place where someone spends a lot of time
Mae tŷ mamgu a tadcu yn ail gartre i fi.
Grandma and grandpa's house is my second home.
cartref gofal
(pl. cartrefi gofal)
care home
cartref gwyliau
(pl. cartrefi gwyliau)
holiday home
cartref henoed
(pl. cartrefi henoed)
also:cartre'r henoed
old people's home;a residential care facility for older people
cartref hen bobl
(pl. cartrefi hen bobl)
old people's home;a residential care facility for older people
cartref plant
(pl. cartrefi plant)
children's home;a residential care facility for children
cartref preswyl
(pl. cartrefi preswyl)
residential home
cymorth cartref
domestic help;home help
gwaith cartref
also:gwaith cartre, gwaith cartra
Cofiwch wneud eich gwaith cartre heno!
Remember to do your homework tonight!
gwyddor cartref
domestic science
rhyfel cartref
civil war
Mae yna seremoni i gofio Rhyfel Cartref Sbaen heddiw.
There is a ceremony of remembrance for the Spanish Civil War today.
tudalen cartref
Ysgrifennydd Cartref
Home Secretary (a senior member of the British Government, responsible for national security)
Idioms and phrases?
cartref oddi cartref
a home away from home; somewhere that is not your home where you feel comfortable or welcome
Roedd y ffatrioedd yn gartref oddi cartre i'r menywod.
The factories were a home away from home for the women.
gadael cartref
leaving home
gorau Cymro, Cymro oddi cartref
literally "the best Welshman, [is] a Welshman away from home"
Welsh people are at their most patriotic when they are living outside Wales
heb gartref sefydlog
literally "without a stable home"
of no fixed abode
oddi cartref
away from home
symud cartref
moving house
Note the difference between this and symud adref or symud gartref, which mean "moving back home". See also the entries adref and gartref.
trais yn y cartref
(also: camdriniaeth yn y cartref)
domestic violence
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