Sounds roughly like: iw-AIR-thon?This transcription uses English spelling to give you a
very rough idea of the Welsh pronunciation. For a more precise guide, listen to the
audio clip or use the IPA transcription below.
Ireland (
referring generally to the entire island of Ireland, or specifically to either the
Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland
as a geographical area
Roedd e'n sâl ar y fferi i Iwerddon.
He was sick on the ferry to Ireland.
Mae Iwerddon yn agosach i Gymru na Sbaen.
Ireland is closer to Wales than Spain is.
as a community or political entity
the sum of Irish society and institutions
Oes diddordeb gyda chi yn hanes Iwerddon?
Are you interested in the history of Ireland?
Mae pobl Iwerddon wedi gwylltio.
The people of Ireland are angry.
a team representing the Republic of Ireland in international
sporting competitions
Mae Iwerddon wedi reoli hanner cynta'r gêm.
Ireland have controlled the first half of the match.
More about Iwerddon (click a category to expand...)
Roots?Etymology: the roots of "Iwerddon". (Words marked with
an asterisk [*] are hypothetical ancient forms. Their existence is theorized from
the study of words in later texts.)
ultimately from
*peyH-(fat, fertile)
Connections?Cognates: words which share an ancestor with
Old IrishÉriuIreland
Ancient GreekἸέρνηIreland
Family?Welsh words built on the same root as
for words relating to Irish people and culture, see the entry Gwyddelig
Topics and themes?Welsh words sharing a topic or theme with
Compounds?Compound nouns and other multi-word units featuring
Gogledd Iwerddon
Northern Ireland
Gweriniaeth Iwerddon
the Republic of Ireland
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