Sounds roughly like: lhoo-id?
IPA: /ɬʊid/ or /ɬʊɨd/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
1. grey or greyish-brown in colour
Roedd hi'n gwisgo côt law lwyd.
She was wearing a grey raincoat.
Mae fy ngwallt i'n mynd yn llwyd.
My hair is going grey.
2. lacking in colour wan
of weather conditions
Mae'r tywydd yn llwyd ac yn oer.
The weather is grey and cold.
Bore Sadwrn llwyd a llaith.
A grey and damp Saturday morning.
of a person's complexion
Roedd wyneb Rhiannon mor llwyd â'r niwl.
Rhiannon's face was as grey as mist.
the colour grey
Wyt ti eisiau llwyd neu brown fel lliw dy siwmper newydd>
Do you want grey or brown as the colour of your new jumper?
More about llwyd (click a category to expand...)
Cornishloos grey
Bretonlouet grey
Topics and themes?
brown (brown)
coch (red)
du (black)
glas (blue)
gwyn (white)
gwyrdd (green)
melyn (yellow)
oren (orange)
pinc (pink)
piws (purple)
porffor (purple)
Mae o mewn potel blastig lwyd.
It's in a grey plastic bottle.
Little brown cells?
Although llwyd is commonly translated as grey, it's also traditionally used to refer to some shades of brown. You'll sometimes see papur llwyd used to mean brown paper, and bara llwyd for brown bread. However, there are also examples of bara llwyd meaning mouldy bread - bread that has gone grey. You'll always be understood if you use llwyd where you would use grey in English, and brown for English brown; but knowing about the overlap between these Welsh words can help you make sense of them when you see them.
Y Fari Lwyd: mare or Mary?
The Mari Lwyd is a centuries-old folk custom performed around Christmas and the New Year in parts of southern Wales. A group of costumed men carry a horse's skull on a stick, decorated with ribbons, and demand to be admitted to houses on their route. If the householders let the Mari Lwyd enter, the whole team would be given food and drink. Scholars debate the meaning of "Mari Lwyd". Some understand it to be a reference to the Virgin Mary ("Mari" is the usual Welsh version of the name "Mary"). Others think that "mari" is a loanword derived from the English word "mare", in which case Y Fari Lwyd simply means The Grey Mare.
gwiwer lwyd
(pl. gwiwerod llwyd)
grey squirrel
papur llwyd
brown paper
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