Sounds roughly like: uh-vor-ee?
IPA: /əˈvoːriː/ or /əˈvɔrɨː/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
a. during the day after today
Edrych 'mlaen at dy weld di fory.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Yfory bydd ffair yn y pentref.
Tomorrow there'll be a fair in the village.
in extended use
in the future
Mae camau bach heddiw yn arwain at pethau mawr yfory.
Small steps today lead to big things tomorrow.
noun masc.
1. tomorrow
a. the day after today
Yfory yw'r dyddiad cau.
Tomorrow is the closing date.
Yfory yw'r diwrnod i bobl sy'n hoffi mynyddoedd!
Tomorrow's the day for those who like mountains!
in extended use
the future
Rydyn ni'n gweithio tuag at yfory mwy iach.
We're working towards a healthier tomorrow.
as a possessive modifier of another noun
belonging to tomorrow
a. belonging to the day after todayoccurring the day after today
Gwaith yfory fydd gorffen peintio.
Tomorrow's job will be to finish painting.
in extended use
belonging to the futureof the future
Doctoriaid yfory ydy'r myfyrwyr hyn.
These students are tomorrow's doctors.
More about yfory (click a category to expand...)
a development from proto-Celtic *bāregos(morning)
Welshbore morning
Irishamárach tomorrow
Topics and themes?
days and times
ddoe (yesterday)
heddiw (today)
heno (tonight)
neithiwr (last night)
Gofalu am ein hyfory.
Taking care of our tomorrow.
bore yfory
also:bore fory
tomorrow morning
nos yfory
also:nos fory
tomorrow night
Idioms and phrases?
ben bore yfory
(also: ben bore fory)
first thing tomorrow morning; as soon as tomorrow morning comes
gwell heddiw na fory
literally "better today than tomorrow"
sooner rather than later
gŵr dieithr yw yfory
literally "tomorrow is a stranger"
nobody knows what tomorrow may bring
yfory nesaf
(also: fory nesa')
as soon as possible tomorrow; first thing tomorrow
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