Sounds roughly like: thoy?the first sound is soft, like the "th" of "they"
IPA: /ðɔi/ or /ðɔɨ/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
a. during the day before today
Roedd rhannau o dde Cymru dan ddŵr ddoe.
Parts of south Wales were underwater yesterday.
Ddoe wnes i ymweld â fy modryb yn yr ysbyty.
Yesterday I visited my aunt in hospital.
in extended use
in the pasthistorically
Fel yr oedd hi yn Ephesus ddoe, felly mae hi yng Nghymru heddiw.
As it was in Ephesus of old, so it is in Wales today.
noun masc.
1. yesterday
a. the day before today
Ddoe oedd y diwrnod gwaethaf erioed!
Yesterday was the worst day ever!
Roedd yn rhaid i fi gadw ddoe yn rhydd, jest rhag ofn.
I had to keep yesterday free, just in case.
in extended use
the past
Ddoe ydy ddoe.
The past is the past.
as a possessive modifier of another noun
belonging to the past
a. belonging to the day before todayhaving occurred the day before today
Doedd cyfarfod ddoe ddim yn hir iawn.
Yesterday's meeting wasn't very long.
b. belonging to the pasthistorical
Dyma ynys sy 'n llawn o chwedlau ddoe.
This is an island full of historical myths.
Rhaid i ni droi methiant ddoe yn llwyddiant i'r dyfodol.
We must transform the failure of the past into future success.
More about ddoe (click a category to expand...)
from proto-Celtic *desi(yesterday)
Bretondec'h yesterday
Gàidhlig an-dè yesterday
Irishinné yesterday
also echddoe [colloquial]
the day before yesterday
Topics and themes?
days and times
heddiw (today)
heno (tonight)
neithiwr (last night)
yfory (tomorrow)
bore ddoe
yesterday morning
nos ddoe [colloquial]
yesterday night
 A more formal word is neithiwr.
prynhawn ddoe
yesterday afternoon
Idioms and phrases?
fel tasai hi'n ddoe
(also: fel petai ddoe, fel petai hi'n ddoe)
as though it were yesterday
Dw i'n cofio bod yn yr ysgol fel tasai hi'n ddoe.
I remember being in school as though it were yesterday.
wythnos i ddoe
a week ago yesterday; yesterday week
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