Sounds roughly like: pooynt?
IPA: /pʊint/ or /pʊɨnt/ ?
CEFR band: A2
Welsh for Adults level: Sylfaen/Foundation
noun masc. (pl.pwyntiau)
1. senses relating to placement and location
a. a point in spacea particular physical location
Mae'r camera ar bwynt uchaf ein mynydd.
The camera is on the highest point of our mountain.
b. a compass point
Dych chi ddim yn gwybod bedwar pwynt y cwmpawd?
Don't you know the four points of the compass?
a stage in a processa moment in time
Mae 'di dod i'r pwynt lle dw i'n crio ar y trên.
It's come to the point where I'm crying on the train.
2. senses relating to purpose and meaning
a. functionuseful purpose (often with dim)
Doedd dim pwynt trio siarad.
There was no point in trying to talk.
Oes pwynt i Gapeli yn Nghymru?
Is there any point to Chapels in Wales?
b. focusaim
I fi, nid dyna bwynt y stori.
To me, that's not the point of the story.
Cadwch o'n fyr a cadwch i'r pwynt.
Keep it short and keep to the point.
c. a point of fact or opinionan argument
Dwi'n deall y pwynt.
I understand the point.
Dw i angen un mwy pwynt yn erbyn ryfel.
I need one more point against war.
d. an item (of knowledge or information)
Mae'n iawn esbonio pwyntiau gramadegol yn Saesneg.
It's fine to explain grammatical points in English.
Dyma bum pwynt y cynllun.
Here are the five points of the plan.
3. a unit of measurement or counting
a. a unit of scoring in a game or sport
Collodd Cymru'r gêm o un pwynt.
Wales lost the game by one point.
Pum pwynt arall i'r tîm oren.
Five more points to the orange team.
a successful criticism or verbal challenge (often derogatory)
Sgorio pwyntiau gwleidyddol.
Scoring political points.
4. a decimal point
Dim ond un pwynt dau miliwn ydy o.
It's only one point two million.
Y Sioe Gymraeg ar Radio Bro naw deg wyth pwynt un FM.
The Welsh Show on Radio Bro ninety eight point one FM.
More about pwynt (click a category to expand...)
Either from Middle English puynt + Anglo-Norman puint
also dibwynt
in sense 1a
lle (place)
man (place)
in sense 1c
amser (time)
munud (minute)
in sense 2b
rheswm (reason)
syniad (idea)
in sense 2d
ffaith (fact)
gwybodaeth (information)
bwynt(pl. bwyntiau)?
Dyna'r ail bwynt.
That's the second point.
phwynt(pl. phwyntiau)?
Tair gôl a thri phwynt i Gymru.
Three goals and three points to Wales.
mhwynt(pl. mhwyntiau)?
Mae'n profi fy mhwynt.
It proves my point.
pwynt bwled
bullet point
pwynt degol
decimal point
pwynt trafod
discussion point
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