Sounds roughly like: mosque?
IPA: /mɔsg/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
noun masc. (pl.mosgiau)
1. a mosquea building used, or originally intended, for Islamic worship
Dynion ar ganol eu gweddïau mewn mosg yng Nghaerdydd.
Men in the middle of their prayers in a mosque in Cardiff.
Mae Mosg Al-Aqsa yn sefyll ar y graig.
The Al-Aqsa Mosque stands on the rock.
2. a mosque considered as a congregation, organization, or community
Mae hi'n aelod o fosg yng Nghasnewydd.
She's a member of a mosque in Newport.
More about mosg (click a category to expand...)
Topics and themes?
places of worship
capel (chapel)
eglwys (church)
synagog (synagogue)
teml (temple)
fosg(pl. fosgiau)?
Mae gan y pentref ei fosg ei hun.
The village has its own mosque.
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