Sounds roughly like: egg-luys?
IPA: /ˈɛglʊis/ or /ˈɛglʊɨs/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
noun fem. (pl.eglwysi)
1. a religious building
a. a building used, or originally intended, for Christian worship
Maen nwh'n adeiladu eglwys newydd.
They're building a new church.
Roedd tu mewn i'r eglwys yn aur i gyd.
The inside of the church was all gold.
b. a church as a location for an organized act of Christian worship
Maen nhw'n mynd i'r eglwys bob dydd Sul.
They go to church every Sunday.
2. extended senses
a. a church considered as a congregation, organization, or community
Ro'n i'n arfer mynd yno gyda'r Eglwys.
I used to go there with the Church.
Roedd y capel wedi ei addurno'n hyfryd gan aelodau'r eglwys.
The chapel was beautifully decorated by church members.
Beth am gael partneriaeth gydag eglwys rhywle yng Nghymru?
What about having a partnership with a church somewhere in Wales?
b. a Christian denomination, or Christianity in general, considered as an institution
Ydy'r eglwys yn mynd i fyw yn Cymru?
Is the church going to survive in Wales?
Y thema oedd gwaith yr eglwys heddiw.
The theme was the work of the church today.
with a qualifying word or phrase
a particular Christian denomination
Mae'r gwaith hwn yn digwydd ar y cyd ag Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru.
This work is happening alongside the Presbyterian Church of Wales.
Roedd Chris yn arfer bod yn weinidog yn Eglwys Loegr.
Chris used to be a minister in the Church of England.
More about eglwys (click a category to expand...)
From Latin ecclēsia(church)
Topics and themes?
places of worship
capel (chapel)
mosg (mosque)
synagog (synagogue)
teml (temple)
eglwys blwyf
parish church
Maen nhw'n codi eglwys blwyf ar y safle.
They're building a parish church on the site.
eglwys gadeiriol
Pob un o'r eglwysi cadeiriol Cymreig.
Every one of the Welsh cathedrals.
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