Sounds roughly like: kal-ed?
IPA: /ˈkalɛd/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
1. firm solid
a. hard to the touchhaving an unyielding surface
Mae'n galed fel metel.
It's hard like metal.
b. soliddense
Bwyd sych, caled..
Hard, dry food.
of an action
Roedd cnoc caled ar y drws.
There was a hard knock on the door.
uncompromisingunemotional, cold (said of a person, of their behaviour, characteristics, etc.)
'Na', dywedodd Llinos mewn llais caled.
'No', said Llinos in a hard voice.
Mae eu calonnau'n galed.
Their hearts are hard.
2. difficult
of a job, action, process, etc.
laboriousrequiring substantial effort to perform or complete
Mae'r gwaith caled yn dechrau nawr.
The hard work starts now.
intellectually demandinghard to comprehend, complete, or solve
Mae Cymraeg lefel A yn galed.
A-level Welsh is hard.
of a time period, circumstance, incident, etc.
unpleasant to manage or experiencegruelingtrying
'Dw i wedi cael wythnos galed iawn.
I've had a really hard week.
with yn
as an adverb
a. forcefully
Stopiodd hi'r car yn sydyn ac yn galed.
She stopped the car suddenly and hard.
Roedd ei galon yn curo'n galed.
His heart was beating hard.
b. industriously
Mae'r plant wedi gweithio'n galed.
The children have worked hard.
c. intentlythoroughly
Dw i wedi meddwl yn galed.
I've thought hard.
Does dim eisiau edrych yn galed iawn!
You don't need to look very hard!
More about caled (click a category to expand...)
in sense 2
anodd (difficult)
in sense 2
hawdd (easy)
Rhaid i bawb wisgo het galed.
Everyone must wear a hard hat.
Cwrs hir a chaled.
A long and hard course.
Making comparisons with "caled"
mwy caled
Mae angen i fi weithio yn fwy caled.
I need to work harder.
mwyaf caled
Dyna'r cwestiwn mwyaf caled.
That's the hardest question.
 In more formal speech and writing, you will often see the forms caletach (harder) and caletaf (hardest) instead of mwy caled and mwyaf caled.
Difficult distinctions
In informal speech and writing, it's pretty common to find caled used to mean difficult, as in sense 2b above. However, you'll probably find that anodd is the preferred term in more formal contexts.
clawr caled
Llyfr clawr caled.
A hardback book,
copi caled
hard copy;a printed paper document
Gofynnwch am gopi caled yn y swyddfa.
Ask for a hard copy in the office.
disg caled
hard disk;hard drive
Mae'r ffeil ar y disg caled.
The file's on the hard drive.
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