Sounds roughly like: ann-oth?the final sound rhymes with the first syllable of 'bother'.
IPA: /ˈanɔð/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
1. physically demanding
a. requiring significant physical effort to perform or complete
Mae gwaith fferm yn anodd.
Farmwork is hard.
b. demanding on one or more of the senses
Roedd hi'n anodd clywed y sgwrs.
It was hard to hear the discussion.
Mae gweld y cylchoedd yn anodd, tydi?
It's difficult to see the circles, isn't it?
2. intellectually demanding
of a task, problem, lesson, etc.
hard to understand, complete, or solve
Mae'r gwaith cartre'n anodd.
The homework is hard.
Mae'r llyfr yn rhy anodd i fi.
The book is too difficult for me.
of a skill, language, etc.
difficult to acquire or learndifficult to perform successfully
Mae'r Gymraeg yn anodd.
Welsh is hard.
c. requiring a lot of intellectual effort or concentration
Mae dilyn ei feddwl e'n anodd.
It's hard to follow his thinking.
Pa eiriau sy'n anodd cofio?
Which words are hard to remember?
3. emotionally demanding
a. unpleasant to experience or endurecomplicated
Weithiau mae bywyd yn anodd.
Sometimes life is difficult.
Mae wedi bod yn wythnos anodd i Mererid.
It's been a hard week for Mererid.
b. made difficult by emotional barriers
Mae'n anodd teimlo diddordeb mewn bywyd.
It's hard to feel interest in life.
of a person or animal
disagreeablehard to manage
Mae dad yn berson anodd.
Dad's a difficult person.
4. difficult in practice
a. inconvenientdifficult to arrange or manage
Mae dydd Sadwrn yn anodd i ni.
Saturday is difficult for us.
b. made difficult by practical obstacles
Mae'n anodd ffeindio cyfle i siarad.
It's hard to find a chance to speak.
c. made difficult by a lack of necessary information or knowledge
Mae'n anodd penderfynu heb gael barn Alwenna.
It's hard to decide without getting Alwenna's opinion.
Mae'n anodd gwybod pwy sy'n iawn.
It's hard to know who's right.
d. made difficult because of unusual or unlikely circumstances (usually with verbs of believing, understanding, or imagining)
Mae'n anodd credu'r cost.
It's hard to believe the cost.
More about anodd (click a category to expand...)
an- (non ) + hawdd(easy)
caled (hard)
hawdd (easy)
Making comparisons with "anodd"
mwy anodd
Mae rhedeg yn fwy anodd na cherdded.
Running is harder than walking.
mwyaf anodd
Cofio oedd y peth mwyaf anodd.
Remembering was the hardest thing.
 You may also come across the forms anoddach (harder) and anoddaf (hardest) instead of mwy anodd and mwyaf anodd.
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