Sounds roughly like: ebb-ost?
IPA: /ˈɛbɔst/ or /ˈeːbɔst/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
noun masc. (pl.e-byst)
Anfonwch e-bost i'r swyddfa.
Send an e-mail to our office.
Mae gen i gannoedd o e-byst.
I have hundreds of e-mails.
Dwi wedi cael ebost oddi wrth yr ysgol.
I've had an email from the school.
More about e-bost (click a category to expand...)
e- (abbreviation of "electronic" ) + post(mail)
to email
Topics and themes?
llythyr (letter)
neges (message)
post (post)
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