Sounds roughly like: dith-orr-deb?
IPA: /dɪˈðɔrdɛb/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
noun masc. (pl.diddordebau)
always singular
a. interest enthusiasm
Oes diddordeb yn y syniad?
Is there any interest in the idea?
Dechreuodd ei ddiddordeb mewn celf pan oedd e'n blentyn.
His interest in art began when he was a child.
Doedd gyda fe ddim diddordeb ynddi hi.
He had no interest in her.
b. a stakea concern
Mae gan busnesau diddordeb mewn datblygu'r technoleg.
Businesses have an interest in developing the technology.
2. an interest
a. a subject or activity that engages someone's attention and enjoymenta hobby or pastime
Mae diddordebau Dyfan yn cynnwys chwaraeon, darllen, a theithio .
Dyfan's interests include sports, reading, and travel.
b. a connection to something, which might influence your attitude to it (usually in the context of people holding political or other public office, who are expected to make public any business or personal connections which might cause bias)
Mae'n rhaid i Aelodau Seneddol ddatgan diddordebau.
Members of Parliament must disclose any interests.
Fel doctor, rhaid i fi cyhoeddi diddordeb cyn trafod y GIG.
As a doctor, I must declare an interest before discussing the NHS.
More about diddordeb (click a category to expand...)
from diddori(to interest) + -deb
ultimately from di- (intensifying prefix ) + darbod(to matter, to be of importance)
to interest; to be interesting to
to take an interest
ddiddordeb(pl. ddiddordebau)?
Mae'r llyfr yn apelio at ddiddordebau plant.
The book appeals to children's interests.
niddordeb(pl. niddordebau)?
Mae fy niddordeb mewn cyfrifiaduron wedi tyfu.
My interest in computers has grown.
Conflict of interest

The word diddordeb is not used for the kind of interest you earn on savings, or pay back when you borrow money. The correct word for that kind of interest is llog.

When the meaning of the English word interest is similar to welfare, as in the phrase the best interests of, the Welsh words lles or budd would usually be used:

Mae gyrru'n ofalus er lles pawb.

Driving carefully is in everyone's best interest.

budd y cenedl

the national interest

Idioms and phrases?
cymryd diddordeb
to take an interest
Rydyn ni'n cymryd diddordeb yn ei waith.
We take an interest in his work.
o ddiddordeb
of interest; interesting
Dyma lyfr fydd o ddiddordeb i'n haelodau.
Here's a book that will be of interest to our members.
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