Sounds roughly like: caw-dee?
IPA: /ˈkoːdiː/ ?
CEFR band: A1
Welsh for Adults level: Mynediad/Entry
1. to rise
a. to move to a higher position
Mae'r haul yn codi yn y dwyrain.
The sun rises in the east.
b. to stand up
Codais a dechrau cerdded.
I stood up and started to walk.
c. to get out of bed(by extension) to wake up
'Dyn ni'n codi'n eithaf cynnar fory.
We're getting up fairly early tomorrow.
Pan dwi yn deffro dwi ddim isio codi.
When I do wake up, I don't want to get out of bed.
2. to pick up or lift (a physical object)
a. to raiseto lift
Cododd y coffi at ei geg.
He raised the coffee to his mouth.
Dad wnaeth fy nysgu i godi pwysau.
It was Dad who taught me to lift weights.
Cododd ei llygaid i edrych arno.
She raised her eyes to look at him.
b. to pick up (e.g. from the ground)
Plygodd Mel a chododd garreg.
Mel bent and picked up a rock.
Jest coda fo a rhoi o'n y bin.
Just pick it up and put it in the bin.
c. to collectto offer transportation to
Arhosodd y bws er mwyn codi mwy o blant.
The bus waited to pick up more children.
to raise (mood, spirits, etc.)
Llyfr a gododd fy nghalon.
A book that raised my spirits.
Roedd y bwyd wedi codi hwyliau Siôn.
The food had lifted Siôn's mood.
3. to build or constructto cause to be built
Y wal gerrig gododd Dad.
The stone wall that Dad built.
Cododd yr eglwys y tŷ 'ma.
The church built this house.
4. to increase or cause to increase (e.g. in volume, amount, intensity, or quality)
a. to increase
Mae'r gwynt yn codi.
The wind is rising.
Mae pris petrol wedi codi.
The price of petrol has risen.
b. to increase in size or volume so that the surface rises
Cododd y dŵr yn gyflym.
The water rose quickly.
Cododd yr afon yn ffyrnig.
The river rose violently.
of leavened dough
to rise during proofing or bakingto swell up because of the fermentation of yeast
Gadewch i'r toes godi mewn lle cynnes am awr.
Let the dough rise in a warm place for an hour.
Pobwch ar dymheredd o 220°C tan fod y bara wedi codi ac yn dechrau brownio.
Bake at a temperature of 220°C until the bread has risen and is starting to brown.
d. to cause (something) to increase
Cododd Gareth ei lais.
Gareth raised his voice.
Sut mae codi safonau?
How do we raise standards?
Roedd o ar dân i godi proffil llyfrau Cymraeg.
He was on fire to raise the profile of Welsh books.
5. senses relating to charging or acquiring money
a. to collectto raise
Mae hi'n codi arian ar gyfer y Gymdeithas.
She's raising money for the Society.
b. to withdraw (from an account)
Cewch godi arian parod o'r peiriant.
You can withdraw cash from the machine.
c. to chargeto impose (e.g. a tax, fee, or fine)
Roedden nhw'n codi trethi ar deithwyr eraill.
They levied taxes on other travellers.
Gwnawn ni godi ffioedd arnoch am ddefnyddio rhai o'n gwasanaethau.
We will charge you fees for using some of our services.
Faint ydych chi'n codi am barcio?
How much do you charge for parking?
6. senses with abstract objects
a. to ariseto come aboutto come up
Fasai'r cyfle ddim wedi codi fel arall.
The opportunity wouldn't have come about otherwise.
Fel ddywedais i, gwnaeth rhywbeth godi!
As I said, something came up!
Mae problem wedi codi.
A problem has arisen.
b. to bring upto raise (a subject, question, etc.)
Roedd e'n codi'r pwnc yn gyson.
He would raise the subject constantly.
c. to cause (a feeling etc.)
Sori am godi ofn ar bawb.
Sorry for scaring everyone.
Ydy eich plant chi wedi codi cywilydd arnoch chi erioed?
Have your children ever embarrassed you?
Llun gododd wên ar fy wyneb i.
A picture which raised a smile on my face.
More about codi (click a category to expand...)
Diolch am godi'r pwnc!
Thanks for raising the subject!
Ces i fy nghodi o ben y stryd i fynd ar y bws ysgol.
I was picked up from the end of the road to go on the school bus.
Dangos sut mae cerdded, eistedd a chodi.
Demonstrating how to walk, sit, and stand.
Verb forms?
singular plural
1 codaf (i)
coda' [infr, spk]
codwn (ni)
2 codi (di) codwch (chi)
3 coda (hi/e)
codith [N, coll]
codiff [S, coll]
codan (nhw)
singular plural
1 codais (i) codon (ni)
2 codaist (ti) codoch (chi)
3 cododd (hi/e) codon (nhw)
singular plural
1 codwn (i) codem (ni)
2 codet (ti) codech (chi)
3 codai (hi/e) coden (nhw)
singular plural
1 - codwn (ni)
2 coda (di)
codwch (chi)
3 coded (hi/e) coden (nhw)
blawd codi
self-raising flour
jac codi baw
JCB;earth-moving machine
pont godi
powdr codi
baking powder
Idioms and phrases?
codi crocbris
to overcharge; to rip off
Mae'r bwytai yn codi crocbris.
The restaurants charge a fortune.
codi cyfog (ar)
to make sick; to cause nausea
Mae'n codi cyfog arna' i i wneud hyn, ond dwi am ei amddiffyn.
It makes me nauseous to do this, but I'm going to defend him.
Mae 'r mwg 'na 'n codi cyfog.
That smoke is nauseating.
codi gwrychyn
to aggravate; to raise (someone's) hackles
Roedd y geiriau yn codi fy ngwrychyn.
The words raised my hackles.
Dyna rywbeth arall sy'n codi gwrychyn.
That's another aggravating thing.
codi pac
to leave a place; to pick up sticks
Pan ddaeth y gwaith i ben, penderfynodd godi pac a theithio i Awstralia.
When the work came to an end, he decided to hit the road and travel to Australia.
Mae hi jyst wedi codi pac a mynd.
She's just picked up sticks and gone.
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